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Get’er Done

Rich Davis

We decided to improve our productivity as cross-cultural missionaries somewhere in our journey with the Lord. That’s when we came across the book “Get’er Done” written by Green Beret, Michael Martel. What’s the plan? Improvise, Adapt, Overcome.

We all have our plans, and sometimes they actually work out as planned . . . but not always! You can identify with us as you look back at things that didn’t work out as planned!


One group of pastors and leaders in the Institute of Church Planters (ICP) wanted to learn the Good Soil Evangelism and Discipleship training we offer. We teach the course at the Christian University (UDG), which is theoretically scheduled for 15 weeks. We have also taught this evangelism course in back-to-back two-day seminars. However, the church planters could only gather the group

 Jo Ann helping some of the Good Soil students

once a month for seven-hour sessions on Sunday afternoons. The plan was not ideal, but we improvised and taught the first half of the seminar in June and will complete the second half in July by God’s grace! Preparing and sending about 30 evangelists out to share the gospel is huge! Many of these evangelists are from the gypsy community here in Moldova. Please pray for them and the new church they hope to start in another gypsy village.


Praying for VBS children in Criuleni Strategizing and organizing with Eduard

Shortly after arriving in Moldova, we were invited to help plant a new church with some young graduates of the Christian University where we teach. The small group was meeting in a classroom at the university, but the time came when the room was no longer available. We adapted and rented a hall about 20 minutes from our house in the capital city, Chisinau. The Imago Dei Baptist Church now has excellent national leadership and functions as an organized church.

Recently, we received an invitation to join another church planting team in a small town about an hour’s drive from Chisinau. We adapted and joined the team and are rejoicing to see what the Lord is doing. We celebrated Vacation Bible School (VBS) last week and are now looking forward to the youth camp.

We are working with the team on several levels, including developing essential documents leading to the spiritual organization of the church (Constitution, doctrinal statement, church covenant, etc.). The Lord greatly blessed our team, as the Baptist Union donated the house and property where we currently meet. The house is not large, but the yard is! We just need to adapt and . . .


This is the narrow hall we are using now By God's grace, we will duplicate this building

As we shared in our last prayer/newsletter, our national partner, Eduard, took a step of faith and constructed the foundation and steel structure for the new meeting hall. Amazingly, we can build the entire building, including electric installation, plumbing, heating and air conditioning, floors, doors, windows, roof, and all the finishing touches, for $50,000. That’s less than it might cost to remodel the bathrooms or install new carpeting in some places!

So, what’s the problem? Summertime! Who in their right mind tries to raise money in the summertime? Fortunately, God is still on His throne and is not on vacation! For over 50 years, the Lord has surprised us with extraordinary provisions for large and small projects. We no longer try to imagine how, when, or where the Lord will provide what is needed for this building project to be completed by the fall. We know that it is His will to make disciples and plant churches. He will provide.

What can you do? Please join us in prayer for this new church plant and building. Not everyone can financially give, but we can all pray. In fact, the Lord loves to receive our prayers in the summertime! He will answer our prayers and help us to improvise, adapt, and overcome. As the old saying goes, where there is a will, there is a way.

If you believe you or your church ministry might be a part of the Lord’s answer to these prayers, please click on the following link and rejoice with us as we watch the Lord overcome all the obstacles. Let’s get’er done together with the Lord!

Since you are praying, please pray concerning our monthly support level. The financial situation has changed for some of our supporters, and we have fallen below ABWE's minimal monthly support level. Thank you for your faithful prayers and financial support. We have so much for which to praise the Lord.


©2021 by The Moldovian Connection.

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