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Rich Davis

Ukrainian refugees walking across the border into Moldova.

Bill and Denise leading a Bible Study with Ukrainian refugees.


The American Embassy here in Moldova reports that there are approximately 90,000 Ukrainian refugees residing in Moldova. The flow of refugees from Ukraine is not as great as it has been in the past, but those who are here still need the love of Christ meeting some of their physical and spiritual needs.

At the Imago Dei Baptist Church, we are giving bags of food and supplies to the refugees. Before and during the distribution time there are Bible Studies in the Russian language taught by our ABWE colleagues, Bill, and Denise Braun.

Ukrainians wait outside the church thankful that the Christian community is helping as much as we can. Once the doors are open twice a week, the refugees enter the church facility to hear the Word and receive the packages that have been prepared for each family.


We have been seeking the Lord’s will concerning the purchase of a car and by God’s leading, many of you are praying with us. The price of previously owned cars has gone up here in Europe as it has in the US and that probably will not change anytime soon. We would love for the Lord to provide additional funds designated for the purchase of our car before making an offer. Meanwhile, we are getting around town in taxies which has been challenging at rush hour when we must get to class to teach or to church in time for services. Praise the Lord, we can order food online and have it delivered to our apartment but it’s not the same as picking out your items personally.


It has been a joy to be reunited with our dear friends at church, at the Christian University (UDG), and in our neighborhood. When we visited a restaurant that we often frequented, one of the waiters received us with joy and proceeded to ask us if we wanted to order our usual Sunday dinner. He remembered every item that we normally ordered including the salad and desert that we would share!

When the secretary at UDG asked us if we were going to teach next semester, we told her that we were hoping to be here for four years. Her face brightened with joy and a huge smile. It is such a blessing to be received back in Moldova with so much love and to rejoice personally that the Lord brought us back.


Evangelism classes for Islamic cultures and non-Islamic cultures began for Rich this week. The schedule is demanding because we need to cover all the material in about half the normal time due to our late arrival. Jo An is gearing up to teach English to a group of people from the Imago Dei church and begin a mentoring ministry with the ladies of the church in a Bible study.The IRS has instructed the finance department at ABWE that missionaries may no longer receive personal gifts through the mission. Some of our supporting churches and friends have been such a blessing in sending financial gifts to us for times like Christmas, anniversary, and birthdays.

Even though the IRS has established this new rule, it is still possible to give personal gifts to us without having to channel them through ABWE. If you have one of the following apps on your phone or computer, it can be used to send funds directly to our bank account in the states. In each case you will need to open the app and then request to send the funds to our email address.

  1. PayPal –

  2. Venmo –

  3. Zelle –

Another way that does not require an app on your phone or computer is by sending a check to our home address in Pennsylvania. We have friends who check our mail regularly.

Rich & Jo Ann Davis

1412 Red Maple Ct.

New Cumberland, PA 17070

Thank you for walking with us as we serve the Lord back in Moldova. There has been no military spillover into Moldova from the conflict in Ukraine but please continue praying that this war would end soon by God’s grace.

©2021 by The Moldovian Connection.

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